
You spent $$$ on online ads last month. Did it work?

It’s easy to lose sight of what matters most when you’re reviewing hundreds of metrics about impression share, click through rate, bounce rates, and more.
However, at the end of they day you must know how much return you’re getting on the online advertising dollars you’ve invested.  To improve your return on ad spend, you also need to understand which digital marketing metrics are most important and how your metrics compare to online advertising benchmarks.

While marketing strategies have changed drastically over the years, the goal of marketing has not.  Get the right message, to the right person, at the right time.  The benchmarks below will give you a good idea of where your marketing opportunity lies.

Channel / Ad Type AudienceMetricBenchmark
Facebook / DisplayCold Audience (Using demographic, interest, behavior, location, etc. based targeting rules)Link Click Through Rate (CTR)10.5%
Facebook / DisplayRetargeting Website VisitorsLink Click Through Rate (CTR)11.6%
Facebook / DisplayCold Audience (Using demographic, interest, behavior, location, etc. based targeting rules)Conversion Rate (Website Purchase)3%
Facebook / DisplayRetargeting Website VisitorsConversion Rate (Website Purchase)6%1
Google / DisplayCold Audience (Using demographic, interest, behavior, location, etc. based targeting rules)Link Click Through Rate (CTR)10.4%
Google / DisplayRetargeting Website VisitorsLink Click Through Rate (CTR)10.7%
Google / DisplayCold Audience (Using demographic, interest, behavior, location, etc. based targeting rules)Conversion Rate (Website Purchase)0.8%
Google / DisplayRetargeting Website VisitorsConversion Rate (Website Purchase)2.6%
Google / SearchLink Click Through Rate (CTR)12.0%
Google / SearchConversion Rate (Website Purchase)2.1%
Google / ShoppingLink Click Through Rate (CTR)10.6%
Google / ShoppingConversion Rate (Website Purchase)2.4%

1. As of 3/31/2020. Source: Monetate eCommerce Quarterly Report
2. Blended rate across multiple sources
3. Source: Compass

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